So my coworkers and I are discussing the new arrangements being made at the Belltown CSO to comport with the new phone center model, and it comes out that we are still going to be operating our own phone number for customer service, using CSO employee's. In response I said, "no way that can't be true. That's crazy! I mean what the heck did they switch to a phone center model for anyway?" (I am editing my words slightly due to all the children who use the internet these days)
Seriously, as far as I can tell so far, this is the deal from the top down- Management has made the decision to commit a huge chunk of CSD's workforce to an enormous state-wide phone center. CSO's are being reduced to "store fronts" with the bulk of eligibility determination and customer service being done by this massive phone center over the phone and internet. This necessitates CSO's having far fewer workers on the floor doing things- like, say, providing customer service over the phone- and yet any person who does not find the wait times of Region 7 to their liking can simply call up the CSO and expect to receive immediate help that way. How will the CSO's find staff to answer these phones? Well... they will probably assign some of their workers to the phones, and thereby create yet another phone center.
Genius plan, management, genius plan. The idea is so bad that I have to think at this point it must be just a misconception or miscommunication of some kind. Maybe I just don't get it for some reason. Post a comment if you have noticed the same thing at your office, or if you think there is some good reason for this madness.
The CRCSO rolled out the SDR today... this is the e-mail the staff received regarding the 'new' phone system for within the CSO.
Here’s how the phones will work starting today:
A new button/line will be added and will be labeled “Client.” The button will appear on all of the green team phones and will ring when clients select menu option 4-1.
For the processing unit, a new button/line will be added and will also be labeled “client.” This line will ring when clients select menu option 4-3.
For the Eligibility Review unit, a new button/line will be added and will be labeled “client.” This line will ring when clients select menu option 4-2.
For Social Workers and WFPS, callers will be given an option to spell the first three characters of your last name, and will then be forwarded to your individual phone.
When a client calls, this new line/button will blink on all phones in your respective units. If you are working with a client, please turn your phone volume down until you are ready to take calls.
If a client calls and all lines are busy, the phone will ring 10 times and then disconnect. (The phone system is not capable of putting an announcement on the line).
If a client calls and no one answers the phone, the phone will ring 10 times and then disconnect.
We are already working on getting you a different phone system, but that will take a while. Until then, we’re limited on how the phones can operate."
I hear and concur with your concerns, Dan. What's going on in the other offices? Any info like this going out?
Karen, I hope that the new phone system is not the Avaya One x. For the members of thde DBD/UMCC we had last spring whent he budget was so bad, when management told me that Reg 3 was broke and we were getting a new and best phone system. Guess what it broke too. IT techs are doing thier best to make quick fixes. I had asked Chevy on the first day that we got it what problems were then currently having with it and she said that they werent using that system. So I Avaya One x is the new system we still have problem
Dan, that is news, Just before policy our CSC supvs asked what Ideas we as the office what ideas that we could provide for them to give for an introduction training for dist 4 to come into the phone system and also combine with Dist 3 in CSO 153 which cause an even bigger backlog. I told them to be sure to use the new CSC Training/Desk aide tool for passing communications/documents between the CSC/CSO's and push as one. I havent heard anything about about offices or regions/disricts having thier own little phone system so that the clients can a worker faster. I have been keeping track of the DMS load and only with overtime that is taking its tool we are barely keeping up with it. There arent enought people in the CSC as they have stated they wanted. I know that they just hired 3 new call center workers, but guess what it will be a while before they are even can even start and what are the going to think when the see the actual workload.
So we have training for the new way of bussiness...I am in the WCCC/CSC and I can not understand WHY they are going to have us process against the WAC's in the WCCC mannal?? So when I get a QA error it's because I didn't follow the mannal WAC. However my supervisor is happy because I followed the CSC way of doing things...GO FIGURE
On top of that they told us at a pre meeting that if there is WS in the ECR and we get to them before FIN/CSC than we have to set a tickler to @chg or the new one don't have it at home CRAZY!!
Who signs my
To ntluckygood: We appreciate your comments but would greatly appreciate knowing who you are and where you are working? What district, office, etc, as we are finding that policies and procedures are not standardized across the state and this is an issue that management is very interested in. If we don't know who or where you are, we cannot bring forward the examples of the bad local issue decisions being made. Please contact me or one of the other moderators by clicking on our names on the CSD welcome page if you are not comfortable in posting this information in the 'public' eye. Thank you for your comments and suggestions always! Karen
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