Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome to your blog - DSHS CSD employees!

In a proactive response to a meeting with Leo Ribas, CSD Division Director, during our WFSE bi-annual Convention, a small, representational team was created to develop member-driven interaction with Management, based on ALL CSD members’ concerns, suggestions and direction.

Toward that goal, the CSD blog was created to connect and engage members all over the state in respectful and spirited dialog. Together, we will collaboratively identify issues, develop creative solutions, provide broad specific ideas to address the crushing budget deficits-all toward our shared commitment to ease the impact of continuing change on our clients and each other. The outcomes of our interactions will be presented to the CSD management on an ongoing basis with the results brought back to you for further discussion and direction.

All here on OUR Blog, FROM HOME, with our favorite beverage, relaxing in our jammies!
“State employees are the solution to the problems we face, not the glitch that the legislative and administrative branches-have-if not vocalized, certainly have demonstrated in their actions.”
Representative Brendon Williams
“State employees must be considered as an asset rather than a deficit."
DSHS Secretary Susan Dreyfus
This Blog will put reality where there is rhetoric, take us from REACTION to PROACTION and demonstrate that we are, indeed, the SUBJECT EXPERTS.

IF YOU participate, spread the word and actively engage on an ongoing basis.

As you can see, the Leadership Team has begun to use this forum, explaining the vision, mission and goals for OUR CSD Blog and are posting concerns and ideas that are likely to be agenda items for forthcoming meetings with management. The Team will also function as Blog moderators.

Your CSD Leadership Team is made up of twelve WFSE members, one from each of the six regions that encompass the Community Services Offices and one from each of the six districts that include the Region 7 Call Service Centers.

If you are uncomfortable or feel you need to remain anonymous, you are encouraged to e-mail a team member directly with your problem or idea. You and the team member will decide how to get your idea out there.

Please join us in this unprecedented adventure. The connections we develop, the synergistic effect of our focused wisdom and united and informed voice will change our future.

It is a dream realized and you are here, helping to shape it. Welcome to OUR CSD Blog.

Posted by Gayle Chamberlain-Smith


Arroyoribera said...

Thanks, Gayle. How do I post something other than a question at this blog? I am now registered at the site.

David Brookbank

Karen Mork said...

Hi, David... I believe in the upper right hand corner of your screen, by your e-mail address, is a place to click that says "New post". Be sure to be in the area of expertise before doing this, ie; if you are an FSS, etc.. or if general break room kind of chat, in the break room. Looking forward to your input and thank you for identifying yourself! You rock! Ü Karen

Arroyoribera said...

Thanks, Karen. I am a faithful follower of your comments on the IESA webpage. Actually to comment here, I don't find the "New Post" you mention. I think you may have that in you capacity as a moderator of the blog. For me, I have to click below an article where it says "comments" and it opens a box for my comments. I am guessing that, perhaps, as I am not a moderator, I can not create a new post but rather can only comment on other posts. If that is not the case, I would appreciate someone informing me further. As to my area of expertise, Karen, I am now an FSS but have been during many years a Social Worker. So, just as I still have honorary rights in the office to visit the social workers stash of goodies (love those zuchini breads and pumpkin breads) I assume I still can respond to issues as a social worker, as well as in my new job as a financial worker. The issue I want to comment on is "finding efficiencies in the system and the future of ACES mainframe" so obviously I will make those comments where FSSs will be active. Need to look the site over better and then will write something. Thanks much.

Karen Mork said...

You may be absolutely correct on the posting issue. If that's true, we need to see what we can do to fix that. And absolutely, post on both or all!!! *grins* And thank you on the iESA comment... Billie Hartline used to call me "Chatty Cathy"... but we won't go there! Looking forward to your comments and know exactly where to go with them within ACES.

Karen Mork said...

David, until we get that glitch figured out, I have created a thread for your subject matter under the FSS blog. You go, dewd!! Thank you again!

Anonymous said...

Good to see the New CSD blog up and running. This is a fantastic tool for member driven communication. Kudos to all who participate.
In Solidarity
Sue Henricksen