Monday, November 7, 2011

CSD Update #5

NOTE: This should have been posted 9/7/11, but was missed. Here it is now. LR

- by Amy Achilles

Due to the high volume of issues currently happening in CSD, monthly teleconferences were scheduled for CSD reps and monthly updates specific to CSD are going out to staff and the CSD leadership team. September is our final scheduled teleconference and the numbers of DTB issues currently active have been decreasing.

Early in 6/2011 a concern was raised about the removal of no weapons signs in the CSO’s. I spoke with Babs and she found that the signs cited inaccurate RCW’s. At this point we plan to make this an agenda item for update purposes at our first CSD UMCC. Between now and then Babs will be working with the landlords of leased facilities on signage and to ensure that the signs in state owned facilities accurately reflect the RCW’s regarding threatening a state employee. The CSD statewide UMCC is scheduled for 9/27/11.

SB 5921 was signed by the Governor and retained the language in section 27 establishing an employee incentive pilot related to Workfirst performance. The bill requires the Department to implement a pilot by January 1, 2012, and to report to the Legislature on pilot implementation and outcomes by January 1, 2013. The department has not determined how they plan to implement this yet but we would expect to receive formal notice and plan to file a DTB as soon as that is received. As of 8/17/11, I’ve confirmed CSD has not yet developed any plan on this issue and reiterated the notice requirements.

A DTB was filed on 3/17/11 in response to management’s intent to relocate the King North CSO to the North Seattle Community College Campus effective 5/6/11. The team appointed to this is Justin Fellores, Greg Gunther and Herbie Martin. The meeting occurred on 4/28/11. The main issue per the CR was parking costs and free parking has already been arranged. Other issues such as safety committees, bulletin boards etc. were addressed at the meeting. A follow up meeting occurred on 8/17/11 to address outstanding issues. This was productive and a summary has gone out to the Seattle rep/team. We are currently awaiting information from management regarding the possibility of maintenance work being skimmed from the BU.

A DTB was filed 2/9/11 regarding management’s intent to reconfigure EBT services. The team appointed to this DTB is Gayle Chamberlain-Smith, Daniel D’Haem and Rod Sauer. Jeanine is attending as well. The first meeting occurred on 3/31/11. This meeting was mainly an informational session at which we walked through their proposal and questioned each section. At our meeting on 4/27/11, we maintained our position that proper notice was not received and we were not convinced this would achieve a cost savings or efficiency as required by the RCW. Management acknowledged that the notice was not proper and has now delayed implementation until 7/11/11. Between now and then we have had a couple of other meetings with the final one occurring on 6/9/11. The outcome was a draft MOU establishing a 12 month pilot project however this has been put in a holding pattern now and has not been implemented or raised as a topic since.

A DTB was filed 1/7/11 not in response to a notice, but to a change in leave approval practices at the Mt. Vernon CSO. A lengthy information request was sent in order to prepare we’ve just had our first  meeting on 4/19/11. Resolution has not been reached and follow up is in process, we are still awaiting an information request.  I have attempted follow up on this issue several times w/ the HRD rep with not much response, at this point we will be pursuing the information and a follow up meeting directly from CSD. The team appointed is Marci Douglas-Bumgarner, Diane Linnell-Merry and Terea Gilmore. 

A DTB was filed 9/7/10 regarding the CSC implementing a statewide tele-work project. This has been completed and is now closed. Six monthly follow up teleconferences have also now been completed and a detailed summary of the final meeting went to all CSD reps. The next step is to expand the opportunity to about 70 more people over the summer.  A request was sent 6/2/11 to have a CSC UMCC and for this to be on the agenda, it has now been scheduled for 8/9/11. At the UMCC we were informed that there are 75 slots available and that about 130 members have expressed interest in those slots. The selection will be based on the agreed upon criteria. We were also informed that, due to a technological glitch, the setup of the 75 new participants may be delayed by about a month.  I will keep this on the update list for now until we know when the next phase will be implemented.

Note that the Regional Consolidation issues are being handled by a large group and the staff person assigned is Debby Lippincott. A CSD Ad-Hoc was agreed to and occurred on 6/8/11. Neither side had anything substantive to discuss specific to the consolidation but felt compelled to get together with what little info we had due to the 6/30 cutoff date for the Ad-Hoc. The outcome of the CSD Ad-Hoc was a set of “guiding principles” that each side agreed to jointly adhere to at the larger table.  In addition, it has since been agreed that the Ad-Hoc could occur through the end of September however, no further issues have come up.
Under the new CBA, CSD UMCC’s will occur. The first is scheduled for 9/27/11 at the ESA building in Olympia. 
A CSC UMCC occurred on 8/9/11 and a detailed summary was sent out to the team and CSD reps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
As of 9/7/2011

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