Friday, February 5, 2010

Follow ups promised on DSHS Community Services Division workers

At last week’s (Jan. 28) meeting of the DSHS Community Services Division Ad Hoc Union/Management Communications Committee, the Federation team reached agreement to receive follow-up on a long list of issues.

  • continued allowance of flexible schedules so that employees can serve more clients, especially those who work during the day;
  • when overtime is offered, the employees be allowed to work the batch, which the union team considers to be the work with the highest impact on providing good customer service and reduces call volume;
  • the team also asked that daily state deployment put more emphasis on the batch work, even if it causes longer call-wait times for clients because the longer-term payoff for customer service is worth it;
  • that further roll-out of the Service Design Review (SDR), including the call centers, be delayed until the pilot areas work the bugs out;
  • that more opportunities be created for employees and managers to work together collaboratively to solve problems, at the statewide and office level.

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